Picnicking in New York City…
New York City Picnics are very fun. Here are my tips on executing them.
Aside from being a mecca for running, biking and all other athletic activities Central Park is also a professional picnickers paradise once the Spring hits. This relates to all other NYC Parks but for this article I’m going to use Central Park as my base because it’s my backyard and the park I know and love best.
Where to go?
Central Park is huge, like 844 acres. There are infinite places that would be great for picnicking but in case you’re unsure here are a few of my favorite spots.
Sheep's Meadow, which on a summer day looks like a beach with thousands of people sunbathing having a blast. It’s on the lower half of the park so easy for anyone living downtown to get to. Its perimeter is lined with trees (where you’ll find me) providing some nice shade on a hot sunny day. There are also 2-3 public bathrooms that are a 5 minute walk, key if you plan on consuming booze during your picnic. There are also vendors like the ‘Mojito Man’ that will be selling highly potent drinks, so bring cash.
The Great Lawn, which is the next large field to the north, is also great for hanging out. It is lined with baseball fields so you might be able to watch some local games while socializing. It also has a bathroom to its southwest and northeast.
I personally like to hang out behind the Met on the far eastern edge of the great lawn. Specifically by Alexander Hamilton. You get to watch all the bikers, runners, rollerbladers and whatever else zip past in front of you on East Drive.
And finally, for a quieter more ‘local’ vibe head to the East Meadow which is just off 5th Avenue above 96th Street. Due to its northern location it tends to be a bit less populated but equally grassy and fun. The field is a bit of a bowl, making for great people watching if you sit along its higher edge.

Be a Picnic Professional
You can always roll the dice and just sit on the ground, but that’s a rookie move. Here are the three levels of a well prepared Central Park picnicker.
Level 1: Apprentice
You’re still learning. A simple solution is to bring a beach towel. It’s the least amount of work you could do aside from assuming someone will let you sit on their blanket. Be better than that.
Level 2: Local Novice
If you plan on doing this regularly, which if you are a resident of NYC then the answer is yes, then get some gear. The least of which is a $20-$30 dollar fold up 8 x 8 waterproof blanket. Maybe you bring some booze to share as well.
Level 3: Picnic Professional ‘Elite Squad’
If you want to really do it right, have a great experience and impress the crowd, think about it as if you were going to the beach for the day. Bring sunscreen, a board game, and maybe a frisbee. Go on amazon and buy a $50 ‘picnic backpack’ setup which will have an insulated pouch with a blanket attached, very professional. Snacks… did you bring snacks to share? It’s as easy as a bag of chips but I’ll tell you, you’ll look like a hero, especially to those hungry friends who have been baking in the sun for 3 hours already. And finally, show up with lots of booze. You’ve then made it to ‘Elite Squad’ status, congratulations.
To Booze or Not to Booze?
I guess this depends on the crowd, but some crisp rose on a summer day is superb. The cops in general have better things to do then police a bunch of locals picnicking, but don’t be dumb. Bring solo cups and don’t be obvious. I was at a gathering once where someone pre made and bottled small margaritas… Elite Squad.
Most wine stores will give you plastic cups if you ask as well. And remember to check the top to make sure it’s a screw top (unless you’re prepared).
Bathrooms… Very Important
As a runner who frequents Central Park daily, I know where every bathroom is. I’m not going to waste time explaining where they are (there are a lot) because all of you have google maps but I will say this, plan your picnic to be close to one. You don’t want to have you or your friends wandering off for 30 minutes looking for a bathroom in agony.
Here is a link to the Parks Departments public bathrooms for reference.
NYC Parks Restrooms
There are also water fountains all over the place in the park. Instead of spending money and resources buying a bottle of water simply bring a reusable bottle and fill it up when needed. The water fountains are great and a lot of them tend to have cold water.
The Thing About Music
Listen, (see what I did there) I love music. Does everyone going to lay out and relax in the oasis from the Urban Jungle that is Central Park want to hear my music? No. If you don’t want to get dirty looks from hundreds of Central Park picnickers, keep it respectable and leave the tunes at home.